Chains Interrupted works to raise awareness of all forms of human trafficking through our current 16 (and growing!) educational programs, print material, booths, parades and many other events. Do you have a civic or faith group, own a business, teach or have children in a school or even have a conference coming up? Awareness starts with education. Schedule a presentation tailored to your group.
All presentations include an overview of what human trafficking is and is not.
All presentations include tactics and behaviors to look for in grooming or in those who have experienced victimization.
All presentations include a trained, well-prepared speaker.
Presentations Available
Schools for youth & staff
Medical personnel
Mental Health
Faith Community
Financial Institutions
Law Enforcement
General Business
Church Safety Teams
Trauma-Informed Care
Labor Trafficking
Harmful Effects of Pornography
Awareness We raise awareness of all forms of human trafficking through our current 17 (and growing!) educational presentations, print material, booths, parades, and many other events.
Educational Presentations: A list of our current educational presentations is as follows:
- Awareness/Action
Our main presentation for the general public, providing an overview of sex and labor trafficking. Suggested ages 12 and up.
- Youth: Prevention education for kids that includes an overview of human trafficking, how a trafficker would groom them into trafficking, healthy relationships, self-worth, and online safety. We have separate presentations for those < 12 and >12 years of age.
- Hotel/Motel Project: The majority of sex trafficking occurs in hotels and motels. This presentation (part video and part didactic) trains hospitality staff on what to look for and what to do if they encounter a situation that appears to be trafficking.
- Faith Community: Human Trafficking is an affront to the Gospel and should be on the heart and mind of every Christian. There are many things the church can do to fight against this evil that is plaguing our society – and breaking the heart of God. People being groomed into trafficking, currently being, or those that have been trafficked in the past may come through your door seeking assistance or seeking God. This presentation discusses how to identify a possible trafficking situation, what you can do, policies on how to keep your church safe, and Bible verses/language common to church that can be triggering to survivors.
- General Businesses: Video trainings for general businesses 1 – Businesses Customers Enter, and 2 - Businesses whose Employees Enter the Community) are almost complete!
- Realtors and Assessors: Realtors and Assessors are in a unique position to identify a trafficking situation, as they are entering the residences and businesses where trafficking may be taking place. We have had realtors report seeing red flags such as locks on the outside of bedroom doors, people living in the home that seemed out of place, footprints in the snow outside abandoned buildings, and more.
- Medical Personnel: In one research study, almost 88% of survivors stated they had encountered someone working in the health care industry while they were being trafficked! This presentation includes an overview of human trafficking, common signs and symptoms to watch for in patients entering the health care system, and action steps to take if you identify someone being affected by human trafficking. This presentation can also include (by request) assistance on creating guidelines for the health care organization on human trafficking.
- Law Enforcement: Law Enforcement is on the front lines to identify and assist those being victimized, as well as stop those trafficking others. This presentation provides an overview of human trafficking, Iowa Code 710A &232.69, common signs to watch for, Trauma-Informed interview techniques, messages from victims, and case examples of victims, buyers, and traffickers.
- Corrections: People who are incarcerated are at high risk for being recruited into trafficking. Traffickers often reach out to those who feel alone in this world, offering money for commissaries, companionship and even romance. When inmates are released from prison, traffickers are often waiting for them. This presentation focuses on signs to watch for and ideas on how to prevent incarcerated people from falling victim to exploitation.
- Financial Industry: While every business may have opportunities to identify and assist those who are being victimized by human trafficking, the financial industry has opportunities to watch for and stop those who are trafficking others. This presentation includes an overview of human trafficking, signs to watch for in identifying those being victimized by human trafficking, potential signs of those trafficking others and action steps to take if you identify either. Survivors of human trafficking often leave the life with high debt and destroyed credit. Financial institutions can assist them with these issues. This presentation can also include (by request) assistance on creating guidelines for the financial organization.
- Judiciary: Children who have been affected by trafficking, may go through our court system. Identifying them as victims can make all the difference in the world in their case. This presentation discusses common signs people who work in the judiciary system should watch for, as well as resources available for their case.
- Church Safety Teams: Traffickers openly admit that churches are “soft targets” for them. This presentation includes a general overview of human trafficking and includes policies and procedures church leadership could implement to keep congregation members and visitors safe.
- Health Personnel: Education for mental health personnel. This presentation includes an overview of human trafficking, common signs and symptoms to watch for in patients, action steps to take if you identify someone being affected by human trafficking, and resources for those counseling people who have experienced the deep and complex trauma of human trafficking.
- Trauma-Informed Care (Trauma-Responsive Practice): Trauma-Informed Care is a CRITICAL component of working with people who are currently being or have been victimized by human trafficking. This presentation provides an overview of trauma, how experiencing complex trauma can change the brain, and how to respond to someone who has experienced this type of trauma.
- Technology, Our Kids and Human Trafficking: Online grooming is now the number one method traffickers use to
recruit and exploit our children. This presentation provides a general overview of human trafficking, reviews methods
traffickers use in online recruitment and discusses safety measures kids and parents can (and should) use to keep kids safe in today’s online world. “Children do not have the developmental capability to handle what WILL be thrown at them online.” Teresa Davidson, ARNP, MSN, MA
- Labor Trafficking of Children: Sadly, the trafficking children for labor is a rapidly growing problem in Iowa, especially in our agriculture industry. Chains Interrupted is on the front lines, meeting with and assisting these kids and the communities in which they live. This presentation provides an overview of the complex issue, potential solutions, and the multiple barriers that present with each solution.